Terminal and game environment¶
¶ Clears the screen and places the cursor at the top left:
¶ Prints the selected text to the screen. Can print strings, or the result of an expression:
PRINT "Hello". PRINT 4+1. PRINT "4 times 8 is: " + (4*8).
¶ Gets or sets the terminal’s width in characters. For more information see terminal struct.
¶ Gets or sets the terminal’s height in characters. For more information see terminal struct.
(col,line)¶ Parameters: - col – (integer) column starting with zero (left)
- line – (integer) line starting with zero (top)
Used in combination with
. Prints the selected text to the screen at specified location. Can print strings, or the result of an expression:PRINT "Hello" AT(0,10). PRINT 4+1 AT(0,10). PRINT "4 times 8 is: " + (4*8) AT(0,10).
¶ Access: Get/Set Type: boolean A variable that controls or queries whether or not the game is in map view:
IF MAPVIEW { PRINT "You are looking at the map.". } ELSE { PRINT "You are looking at the flight view.". }.
You can switch between map and flight views by setting this variable:
SET MAPVIEW TO TRUE. // to map view SET MAPVIEW TO FALSE. // to flight view
¶ Reboots the kOS module.
¶ Causes kOS module to shutdown.
GUI display tools¶
¶ See VECDRAWARGS, below
¶ You can draw visual vectors on the screen in kOS to help debugging or to help show the player information. The full description can be found on the Vecdraw Page.
¶ You can make text messages appear on the heads-up display, in the same way that the in-game stock messages appear, by calling the HUDTEXT function, as follows:
HUDTEXT( string Message, integer delaySeconds, integer style, integer size, RGBA colour, boolean doEcho).
- Message
- The message to show to the user on screen
- delaySeconds
- How long to make the message remain onscreen before it goes away. If another message is drawn while an old message is still displaying, both messages remain, the new message scrolls up the old message.
- style
- Where to show the message on the screen: - 1 = upper left - 2 = upper center - 3 = lower right - 4 = lower center Note that all these locations have their own defined slightly different fonts and default sizes, enforced by the stock KSP game.
- size
- A number describing the font point size: NOTE that the actual size varies depending on which of the above styles you’re using. Some of the locations have a magnifying factor attached to their fonts.
- colour
- The colour to show the text in, using one of the built-in colour names or the RGB constructor to make one up
- doEcho
- If true, then the message is also echoed to the terminal as “HUD: message”.
HUDTEXT("Warning: Vertical Speed too High", 5, 2, 15, red, false). HUDTEXT("docking mode begun", 8, 1, 12, rgb(1,1,0.5), false).